What Is Perry Poetry


Perry Poetry is a form of literary expression that combines the invention of poetic forms and combinations of words that create new meanings. It has been described as a method of writing which is characterised by ‘plays against conventions of conventional poetic forms’ and language, the use of written and spoken elements, and an overall attention to details and a focus on the interaction of the words and their meaning. Perry Poetry was most famously developed by postmodern poet Lynne Perry in her 1984 volume titled ‘The Art of Perry Poetry’.

History of Perry Poetry

Perry Poetry has its roots in postmodernism – the modernist movement which emerged in the mid-20th century and reacted against industrialisation, technology and the conventional bourgeois Western culture at the time. Perry Poetry builds upon this movement by using poetic techniques which are experimental, playful and experimental. Perry Poetry also incorporates elements of other literary forms and techniques such as modernism, surrealism and avant-garde writing.

Core Elements of Perry Poetry

The core elements of Perry Poetry are the focus on the use and interaction of words, a looseness in the poem’s form and structure, the use of unconventional poetic forms and the reliance on unstructured language. This type of poetry is often described as ‘edgy’ and focuses on the words and their meaning, allowing the poet to explore different emotions, sounds and ideas. The main aim of the poem is to challenge and critique conventional writing styles, which has attracted many writers who are interested in using non-conformist methods to convey their point of view.

Influence of Perry Poetry

The influence of Perry Poetry can be seen in many contemporary poets, who experiment with word combinations, unusual structures and language to create new meanings. It is most often seen as a reaction to traditional poetic forms and ideas and as a way to explore new concepts and ideas. Perry Poetry is also a medium through which experimental literature can be explored, allowing the reader to delve into a new form of literary expression.

Notable Examples

The most famous example of Perry Poetry is undoubtedly the aptly named book by Lynne Perry, The Art of Perry Poetry. In this collection of poems, Perry uses unconventional forms, metaphors and vivid language to explore topics like identity, consumerism and modernization. Other notable pieces of Perry Poetry are ‘The Artist as a Subversive’ by Kurt Vonnegut, ‘Modular Poetries’ by Donald Barthelme and ‘Just Passed’ by Jean-Paul Sartre.

Notable Practitioners

As previously mentioned, Lynne Perry is the one and only inventor of the form. Some other renowned practitioners of Perry Poetry include award-winning poet and novelist Victor LaValle, the aforementioned Jean-Paul Sartre, American poet Kim Addonizio and American poet and literary critic Ezra Pound.

Uses of Perry Poetry

Perry Poetry is often used to convey ideas, opinions and emotions in a unique, refreshing and memorable way. This type of writing is a useful tool for expressing complex ideas, challenging conventional forms of expression and exploring new forms of art. It is also a great medium for exploring deeper, more meaningful questions and ideas which can not be done justice through traditional forms of writing.

Influence of Technology on Perry Poetry

In the modern world, technology has played an ever-increasing role in the work of literary artists of all kinds. The internet has allowed writers to connect with each other, find inspiration and share their work in ways that would otherwise be impossible. The technology has also brought about new forms of Perry Poetry – with writers experimenting with technology to create interactive works of art, or using frameworks such as text-messaging and computer programming languages to explore and expand the possibilities of the form.

Intersection of Perry Poetry and Art Forms

The relationship between Perry Poetry and other art forms is an interesting one – many artists have seen the potential in combining the poetic elements of Perry Poetry with visual arts, music and video. The influence of Perry Poetry can be seen in digital poetry, video art and other multimedia works which use Perry Poetry as a source of inspiration and ideas.

Legacy of Perry Poetry

The legacy of Perry Poetry can be seen in the people who have been influenced by it and the works which have been created as a result of it. On a deeper level, it has encouraged and given a platform to unconventional forms of writing and thinking, and allowed people to express their ideas and feelings in a new and exciting way. Perry Poetry has been the inspiration for many creative and innovative works of art and continues to be a source of inspiration for writers of all kinds.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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